Sunday 1 April 2012

Appendix A -Moving Logo Image with sound


Moving Image Logo with Sound:

When establishing the supernatural thriller theme, we thought about conveying the genre of the supernatural within our logo. As seen in this clip, we composed a soundtrack that enhanced the supernatural atmosphere. We created this track in the programme Garageband and made the score sound eerie and unnerving in order to create an atmosphere of suspense and drama which also goes with the conventions of having a supernatural thriller. I tried to use music that would evoke a sense of unease, so it would add to the suspense of Beyond Reflection. I think this illustrates the extent to which music plays an important part in reinforcing the genre.

I also designed the logo image to be in space with the words Liquid Space, a name on which we decided as it stood out and was unique. In terms of the font we used Bubble. In creating the logo I initially encountered problems with using the program Live Type because it didn't have the various fonts I wanted to deploy in our logo. Consequently, I opted to use the program Flash, which enabled us to create our logo the way we wanted.