Tuesday 17 April 2012


Titles and Promotion:
We decided to call our supernatural thriller opening Beyond Reflection because the concept is strongly connected to the film's theme and action. Our one-line sales pitch is: It's a normal wind-down evening until the moon comes out and her reflection comes alive and our tagline is Who can you tell when your own reflection is out to get you. This tagline reinforces the genre and gives a hint of what the film could be about.

Brief Synopsis:
The narrative is based on the premise that at midnight, when it is a full moon, if someone looks in the mirror, their reflection comes alive and tries to replace them, trapping them in turn in the mirror.
We chose to film our sequence in Legjenda's house as it was convenient and was suitable to create a sense of realism. Additionally, the lighting was suitable for creating the right atmosphere and, in the case of the bedroom lamp, suitable for using in creating the special effect in the dissolve shot to an image of the moon. For the exterior shots, the area was not too noisy and would not therefore be likely to interfere with or delay our filming. Significantly, we will be filming at night, in keeping with the conventions of the supernatural thriller genre and adding to the mood of fear and horror.

Target Audience:
We have chosen to aim this at 15 to 24 years olds as statistics show they go to the cinema more often and are also most likely to watch a supernatural thriller, which is why we have given it a rating of 15.

Fuller Outline of the Opening Sequence:
We start off seeing the the character walking home at night, when she gets home, she's getting ready for bed; brushing her teeth whilst looking in the mirror, there is then a cut to her watch which shows it's midnight, using an eye-line match, when she goes down to rinse out her mouth the reflection remains in the mirror, this is unnoticed by the character, by doing this it creates dramatic irony and reinforces the genre. The character is followed as she goes to bed upstairs, suddenly the camera quickly zooms out, goes back down the stairs, to the bathroom mirror. We the see the reflection coming out the mirror, appearing as if it had walked through the camera, this involves the audience and puts them in the action. The reflection then goes back upstairs into her room. As the reflection opens the door the character opens her eyes and we go from close up from and aerial shot to a quick shift zooming into the lamp besides her, which then fades into the moon. There are cuts to the full moon throughout the extract signifying it's importance.
We were inspired by a range of supernatural thriller films. In particular, we were fascinated by the film Mirrors, which uses mirrors to inflict pain onto people. In addition, a scene from The Ring 2, where the little boy is looking in the mirror, taking photographs, which only he can see the other female character in was a source of stimulating ideas. Both these films exploit the conventions of the supernatural thriller genre and by using ideas these two films in particular, we were able to produce our own ideas and interpretations which would be practical for us in making our film.