Monday 16 April 2012


Day One:

On the first day of filming we had only two hours to film before we had to get back to school for our next lessons, so we had to work quickly. By the time we had gotten the filming equipment, caught the bus to Legjenda's house and Legjenda got into her costume, half an hour had gone.

Once we got there, we realised the house wasn't dark enough to make it look like it was night, but that problem was solved quickly by drawing the curtains and we started to film the bathroom scenes. In practice it proved to be difficult to film the mirror scene inside the bathroom without the camera being seen, so we decided to place the camera at the door of the bathroom, where we could still get a good shot of the mirror and not see the camera in the reflection.

After getting some good shots, we moved on to the next scenes. We did the match-on-action stairs scenes, which were easy to shoot and quickly finished. Next, we shot the scene where Legjenda goes into the bedroom, using a match-on-action shot. The fact that the door creaks loudly was an advantage as it helped add to the eerie, supernatural feel and the match-on-action technique worked well after a few attempts. Our work was curtailed at that point as it was time to get back to school and filming was over for a while.

Day Two:

We only had a few more scenes to shoot and again only had a few hours to shoot them in. We shot the point of view shot a couple of times before we achieved it successfully at a steady pace and angle. The stairs conveniently creaked as I walked down them, which added effectively to the build up of tension.

Our final scene, where Legjenda's reflection comes out of the mirror and goes up the stairs to Legjenda's room, took us a while to film as we had to make it look continuous. The final shot, where we had to zoom into Legjenda's face and then shift swiftly to the lamp, was difficult as the zooming and shifting was difficult to synchronise. It took us about ten tries before we finally did it right.

The only scenes left for us to film were the exterior shots which we had to wait for darkness to film, and the shots of the moon. That night Legjenda shot the exterior shots of her walking into the estate.

Day Three:

After uploading the footage onto the Macs, it became apparent that we needed more scenes of Legjenda walking into the house and sitting down, instead of jumping straight from the outside scenes into the bathroom shots. Accordingly, Legjenda and I went back to her house that night and shot the extra scenes, without any difficulty and using the night-time ambiance to our advantage.