Monday 2 April 2012

7. Looking back to your preliminary task, what do you feel that you have learnt in the progression from it to the final film?

Evaluation (7) - Reflection on our Progress

As a group we learnt various different aspects of using the equipment, programs and technologies from the preliminary task. In terms of using the equipment, we were new to using the camera and had to learn how to use it safely and effectively. In our film there was a lot of movement so we had to learn how to steady the camera and put it in the places that suited the shot needed, for example the reflection scene.

Furthermore, we learnt how to apply in practice our learning from analysis opening sequences within our film genre. We learnt that a lot of thought had to go into it: making selections about techniques like match-on-action and shot/reverse shot were new to us and they proved vital in enabling us to achieve continuity in our opening. Not least, learning how to use software such as Garage Band, LiveType and Final Cut Express was a new experience and gave us useful skills for the future.