Monday 23 April 2012

Location and costume research

Research - Location, Costume And Film Trailer Influences:

Last weekend, our group met up at Porcester Library to create the storyboard for our film which will help us work out which shot we will be using and when. See storyboard blog for fuller detail.


We then went to Dammy's house to check if it was suitable for our filming. When we got there, we realised that there was a problem with not having a bathroom downstairs which was required for many of the shots. Another obstacle was that the mirror was not right in front of the sink in the bathroom. Not least, it would be quite far to travel back and forth for filming. Consequently, we decided to change location, selecting Legjenda's house which was much more conveniently located and therefore was much closer for travelling purposes. There was much more space to deploy different camera angles and the stairs leading up to a bedroom were in a position we could use to our advantage to film different shots. The mirror was in front on the sink which was essential for the camera not to be seen. Lastly, for our exterior shots, the area would be relatively quiet at night.


The costume design for the one female role was crucial to establish her character in an economical way appropriate for a short sequence. In the exterior shots, Legjenda will wear trousers with a black coat and scarf, together with high heeled shoes which will be worn to make a clicking noise while walking. This gives us the potential to diegetically enhance the sound of her steps to add a sinister effect. For the interior shots in her house, Legjenda will be wearing pink pyjamas, which will make the scene more realistic and therefore add to the ominous impact of the supernatural effects.

Research Influences - Mirrors Trailer:

In the trailer for the film Mirrors, there is a moment at approximately 33 seconds into it where the camera swiftly moves forwards into the darkness. This shot is quite similar to the one we use in our supernatural thriller where the scary, supernatural Legjenda, the reflection of Legjenda from the mirror, walks up the stairs in the dark. Although our idea was inspired by Mirrors, we made it our own by having the camera move up the stairs instead of straight along. Another difference is that our film Beyond Reflection is a bit darker in mood, in keeping with the sense of foreboding of the supernatural genre.

A key moment of our narrative arose from our idea of having the charater Legjenda's reflection still in the mirror after she has gone away. I think in Beyond Reflection, this effect works very well. However, were we to film it again, I feel it would have looked more supernatural if the audience could see a bit of the shoulder moving away in order to make it look more realistic.

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