Thursday 19 April 2012


Beyond Reflection

EXT Outside the house – Night

LS-Establishing shot of Legjenda walking through the gates towards the door it is very dark and quite all you can hear are her shoes. She is cold and tired, walking slowly.

Cut to

Close up of the full moon

INT Inside Legjenda’s bathroom

CU- Legjenda brushing her teeth side on, her reflection shows in the mirror, the bathroom light is on. She is wearing her pyjamas.

Cut to

Point of view shot- Wrist watch showing midnight. Still hearing her brushing her teeth.

Cut to

MS- Legjenda rinsing her mouth as she goes down the reflection stays in the mirror. Still hearing the water running.

Tracking- Legjenda leaving the bathroom and walking up the stairs into the corridor going to open her bedroom door, no lights are on.

Match on action

Legjenda opening the door into her room only the lamp is on.


She walks to her bed and lies down putting the duvet over her closing her eyes. Pause for a few seconds on her face.

Quick zoom out

Tracking out the room, into the corridor, downstairs and into the bathroom where the light is still on.

MS- Mirror where the reflection of the girl is still there. The reflection starts coming out the mirror, into the camera.

Black out

MS- Reflection walking out of the camera

Panning to the stairs


LS- High angle first landing of the reflection walking up the stairs past the camera.


LS- Top of the stairs of reflection into the corridor.


LS- Next to the front door of reflection going into Legjenda’s bedroom stopping at the door.

Quick Cut

To legjenda’s face, she opens her eyes and looks around, the lamp is still on.

Swift shift to the left

Quick zoom into the lamp

Fade in

The full moon

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