Tuesday 3 April 2012

6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing the product?

Evaluation (6) - Exploiting technologies:


This online product was used during the research and planning stages in order to upload analysis of media products, such as short films and magazine articles. Blogger allowed us to keep a detailed, cogent, chronological account of our entire production process, from preproduction to evaluation, and in so doing, it heightened the professionalism and our expertise.


On a personal level over the duration of the course, I have worked on various programs in order to design and create a logo for our group. In terms of designing a logo I used the program Photoshop however when designing the moon and the stars on our logo I used tutorials in which helped me learn how to create the images on my logo.


As a group using new camera equipment, we underwent training on how to handle and use it properly and safely. We learnt how to zoom in and out of focus and , in particular, to keep the camera stable enough to film because the was a lot of movement in our film. We also learned how to do still shots of Legjenda in the mirror as we didn't know how to use the programme Final Cut effectively until we needed to use it.


We used it to record ambient sound and to ensure the best quality possible.


We used the sound recorder to record interior monologues for certain scenes within our film.


In composing our soundtrack we used the program garage band in which we could control the tempo and rhythm of our soundtrack,we wanted to add our sound track to the logo so we could create an opening section for our film. Our aim was to convey and rein-force the supernatural feel of the film as seen in our soundtrack.

Final Cut:

This was the massive learning curve of our entire AS production. This allowed us to edit and control how we wanted the scenes to be handled, to alter audio levels, to make colour correction for continuity of the scenes and to add music. We also used the program Flash in creating a moving image with sound to our film, we made the time length 11seconds so it would be long enough to see, we opted for using Flash because I encountered problems in using LiveType as I had never used the programme before and couldn't create the image I wanted.

To conclude, our biggest learning curve by far during this process has got to have been our induction into the power afforded us by digital technologies to manipulate and exploit raw footage. 

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