Thursday 5 April 2012

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

Evaluation (4) - Target audience:

From the very beginning, we were aiming our two minute film at the 15-24 age range. One of our considerations in arriving at this decision was based on previous research which indicated that this age group visited the cinema more frequently. I looked at the classification website BBFC and read the criteria form each age group. I thought 15 and over would be most suited for Beyond Reflection, especially considering that during the rest of the film, there would be more violence and dangerous acts that should not be done at home;  it would have also contained sexual activity.

Whilst there may be frequent use of strong language (e.g. fuck), I would distinguish between this and the strongest terms (e.g. cunt) which would only be acceptable where fully justified by the context. Continued aggressive use of the strongest language is unlikely to be acceptable in any film deemed suitable for a rating of 15.  Strong threat and menace are permitted. However, whist acts of violence or implied violence may be strong, it would not be appropriate to dwell on the infliction of pain or injury. Scenes of sexual violence would be both discreet and brief. The strongest gory images are unlikely to be acceptable.

In this context, however, I would make the distinction that, for the beginning of Beyond Reflection, as filmed, I believe there would be a strong case for it to merit a rating of 12, when taking into account our decision to start fairly gently before building up to showing more disturbing events.

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