Friday 6 April 2012

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation (3) - Distribution Institution:

I think that Twisted Pictures production company would be an appropriate institution to promote our supernatural film. This independent American company made its reputation through releasing iconic films of the horror genre, such as the box office successes Saws, Dead Silence and The Tortured.

Their logo below uses a black background, associated with evil and horror. In addition, the spiralling barbed wire connotes pain, suffering and torture.

The adjective 'twisted' reinforces this effect, suggesting a range of nightmarish associations, such as debased values, mental psychopathic tendencies and infliction of pain.

Twisted Pictures logo

It is significant in choosing the company who would be best place to market our material, Twisted Pictures horror genre board has had the most posts of all boards on the IMDb website. Although their releases to date have been exclusively American productions, the anticipated global success for their release of Texas Chainsaw Massacre in 3D in 2013 films, in our view, makes them second to none as the institution that, should they give serious consideration to distributing our products, it would be a key factor in our journey to success as filmmakers.

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